Friday, November 4, 2011

Frugal Gift Ideas...

We all know money is tight this year but that's no reason not to have a special holiday season! There's nothing more appreciated than a personalized gift. Everytime it's used, you think of the person who gave it to you. It gives you a feeling of importance somehow.

Here are some ideas on how to have a more affordable holiday season and make it memorable. After's not how much you spend. It's the memories you create that make for a special season.

Jar gifts...if you've been reading my blog you know I love them. Easy to make and great to have in the pantry, what you can gift in jars is endless! From bakers, to soup lovers, to people who love to sew and craft (think buttons layered with thread spools, embroidery floss, various items from the dollar bin at the craft store)etc. they are wonderful!

Making coupon books at Christmas (and birthdays)has been something I have done for years. Something as small as covering someone's chores for a day makes for a very appreciated gift! Make a coupon for friends and/or family that entitles the bearer to homemade baking once a month for an entire year. This is a gift that is especially appreciated by seniors, who will look forward to your visit as much as your baking. I know it sounds like a lot, but if you are a baker it's easy to make a few extra muffins or cookies when you are baking some for your own family. They are easy to freeze as well, so their gift can last almost until the next month comes around! Be creative and there's no end to the coupons you can give out. I always include one for free babysitting days, a day out for a manicure, a day out to a movie, etc.

Agree to exchange cards instead of gifts with friends.

Have a potluck instead of an elaborate feast that requires you do all the work (and grocery shopping).

Make do with last year's decorations without being tempted to purchase more. Just add a few homemade touches, clove studded fruit, a basket of pinecones, greenery from outside etc.

Persuade your extended family to draw names rather than have everyone buy everyone else a gift.

Agree with the other adults to give gifts only to the kids this year.

Buy giftwrap and greeting cards only if on sale, or better yet, make them yourself.

Plant an herb garden for a friend. While you're at it, make one for yourself.

Treat your partner/spouse to a homemade spa. Give him/her a coupon (there's my coupon idea again :)announcing a full one-hour body massage and facial. This gift is easily worth over $75!

Make some creative hand puppets for a child if you have mismatched socks and buttons lying around your home.

Buy movie tickets... a gift where one size fits all. When movie tickets are purchased in advance from movie theaters, you can usually get them at half price!

Offer to make dinner for your friends if you're a good cook.

Give a single friend or elderly family member freshly frozen dinners for a week.

Make a year's worth of greeting cards and personalized stationery for someone if you're a bit crafty. Make enough birthday cards, anniversary cards, and blank cards for a year's worth of holidays. The thoughtfulness will go a long way throughout the year.

Help someone else get organized. If the person you need to give a gift to is an entrepreneur or extremely disorganized, make a filing system for the upcoming tax year.

Purchase gift-with-purchase cosmetic/perfume specials and split the gifts. Usually the gift is nicely wrapped, generic, and valuable enough to give away for an upcoming gift.

Most importantly, be creative. The ways you can show people how special they are to you are endless. Now, relax, have some tea, and enjoy your holiday season...debt free!

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